Password Generator

Generate Password

  1, 2, 3, 4...

Password Best Practices

  1. Use stronger passwords for important accounts and be sure they are at least 12 characters long and minimally include 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, one number, and one special character or symbol
  2. Change your password frequently. Every 10 - 12 weeks is recommended
  3. Do not use the same password or challenge questions for multiple accounts
  4. Do not use dictionary words
  5. Do not use family, pet or friend's names
  6. Do not use birth or graduation dates, home addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers or other personal identifiers
  7. Do not use similar passwords where the variations are obvious (e.g. m4Y$BTwitter, m4Y$BBankOne, m4Y$BAmazon)
  8. Do not use standard patterns (e.g. 12345, querty, etc)

Why Use A Password Generator

  1. Password generators help with password discipline - ensuring length and character requirements are met
  2. uses 68 possible characters for generation so an 8 character password would generate over a trillion possible combinations
  3. To the extent that machines can be random, passwords are randon and don't fall into unintentional patterns or variations of other passwords

Other Security Concerns

  1. Do not use a password generator that stores your passwords - does not store passwords
  2. Don't click on "change password" links in email unless you've requested the change; navigate directly to the website's change password page and change your password if you're unsure
  3. Never send passwords or account information in email. Use Signal or Cyphr
  4. Do not enter your password into websites using HTTP; be sure the site is using HTTPS and has a valid cerificate
  5. When on public Wifi use a VPN service to prevent others from sniffing your password